It is getting HOT across Florida and Georgia and watermelon is about to come on STRONG!
With temperatures in the 90’s for the next 10 days we are going to see an abundance of supply in the month of June. We are looking for promote now through Father’s Day and into the 4th of July. We do anticipate that since the fruit is coming on early and fast due to temperatures we will run short as we approach the holiday we just don’t know how soon (or early) that will be yet.

Plenty of watermelon in stores this June

Look for our Fresh from the Start watermelon man on the label
Before harvesting, we send the cutters into the field and roll the melon over for some extra sun time. The next day we hand-pick in the fields and send them to the packing facility for sorting and where they are inspected for quality and appearance. Only the best is shipped.
We will continue to harvest a number of varieties, but we have expanded on some of our favorites like the Joy Ride and 7197 varieties.

Handpicked in the field

Ready for picking
Using the Whole Watermelon
Did you know that 100% of watermelon is usable? Even the rind.
The watermelon flesh is delicious as wedges or cubes and can be diced into salads and salsas
The watermelon juice is great for staying hydrated. Drink it straight up, blend into smoothies or mix into your favorite cocktail.
The watermelon rind can be sliced and used in a stir fry or use it as a centerpiece for salads.